There I was, just minding my own business eating a crisp sandwich (salt and vinegar Seabrook, mayo, white bread… thanks for asking) with one hand and editing with the other when an email landed in my inbox letting me know I had been named one of Professional Photo magazine’s Top 50 British Wedding Photographers for 2021. My jaw hit the floor and my crisp sandwich nearly did too.
“Using a combination of stills and filmed content, Camera Hannah concentrates on the heartfelt elements to wedding days. Her style is quirky and she admits that she’s an all out geek. This connects her to a more alternative client who often add creative and fun aspects to their wedding days. She has a sense of wonder that allows her two draw out the moods and emotions of a wedding day and you will see her playful sense of humour in many of her shots.”
I’ve been a wedding photographer for eleven years and it’s the only proper job I’ve ever had. I’ve never had a job with a boss to let me know when I need to pull my socks up or when I’ve done something well. There’s also never been a time quite like this, going from such a long time with far fewer weddings than normal to all of a sudden wham, bam - ALL the weddings while I try and avoid catching COVID like some kind of epidemiological slalom skier. Of course, I have my awesome couples’ feedback, but sometimes in the middle of a late-night edit and your feet haven’t touched the floor in a while… no amount of remembering past praise or comforting salty carby snacks can hush that imposter syndrome. So, seeing my name on that list alongside so many talented peers was exactly what was needed, especially during this most unusual wedding season (at least the most unusual since the last one anyway!)
What I’m trying to say is, when you’re incurably self-employed you have to learn when to stop and celebrate a win. So that’s what this post is. That, and saying thank you - to each and every one of my couples, particularly those who’ve married since the world folded in on itself last year. Having gotten married this year, I know what it’s been like dealing with *gestures at everything* and you’ve all dealt with it amazingly. Thank you!
At certain points it felt impossible to getting back to shooting weddings, the lockdowns seemed endless and for a while I had to learn to live without a huge part of myself. The bit that knows how to pin on a buttonhole, which songs pack out a dancefloor, how to read a giant Jenga tower like a book, why it doesn’t matter if it rains on a wedding day, how to allow people to be themselves in front of a camera. I always knew I loved this job, but I didn’t really appreciate how much until it wasn’t there anymore.
Thank you so much to the team at Photo Professional Magazine for including me in this prestigious list and helping me take a moment to stop and celebrate. Holler to Pic-Time too who sponsored the list - photographers you can get a free month with Pic-Time, the best gallery hosts in all the land using my discount referral code: 98NF33.
If you’re looking for a photographer for your wedding, get in touch! Because of postponements and so many people keen to finally get planning their days I have quite a few bookings in next year but I still have room for a few more and if I’m already booked on your date I’ll help you find someone else who is awesome and available.